Supplementation of AGRIFRIEND WIN-A-CROP increased Farm-productivity of many prime crops by 100% to 300% in terms of Quantity & Quality most naturally as detailed below.

AGRIFRIEND WIN-A-CROP is an Advanced Organic formulation, predominantly targeted for DOUBLING the per Acre productivity & quality of Agricultural crops most positively, by means of supporting the virtual growing and yielding potentials of Plant life with out the necessity of capital intensive infrastructure, complex technologies or high user knowledge.
AGRIFRIEND WIN-A-CROP is formulated for the direct use of the farmers, available in semi water-soluble powder form of 200 grams packing (1 Unit) containing Two sachets of each 100 grams, convenient for 2 applications by Foliar spray. The packing supplements one Acre of crops or plantations.
- AGRIFRIEND WIN-A-CROP has been extensively tested & proved for the past 8 years in different agro-climatic conditions on many Horticultural, Commercial, Floricultural crops, Medicinal & Aromatic crops, Fruit and Field-crops, Food grains, Spice crops, Bio-fuel Crops & on Nurseries for its exceptional performance. Simple supplementation of WIN-A-CROP by foliar application enhanced the yields from a minimum of 30% to a maximum extent of 300% (as shown in the following table) basing on the type of crops, farming practices & the organic/bio stature of the soils of different regions.
- The secondary major benefit of supplementation of AGRIFRIEND WIN-A-CROP is the enhanced immunity / resistance to many diseases of pathogenic origin in plants – A great saving in plant protection expenditure and helps promoting Eco-friendly agriculture.
AGRIFRIEND WIN-A-CROP is highly appreciated by both the farmers and scholars of agriculture for its amazing and sustainable results.
- The UNIQUE ADVANTAGE of AGRIFRIEND WIN-A-CROP is, it performs equally in all Culture Systems & Farming Practices of different regions including Modern agriculture (with extensive usage of chemical inputs), Certified 100% Organic farming & on GM Crops. Supplementation of WIN-A-CROP performs exceptionally with out interfering or requiring any modification either in culture practices or in other usual inputs.
AGRIFRIEND WIN-A-CROP improves the produce quality most naturally enriching with Higher Nutritional Values & well-bred Characteristic constituents, remarkable Color & appearance, size, flavor and taste with high shelf life. Induces healthy & early flowering, prevents shedding of buds, flowers and prevents fall of unripe fruits. Enlarges fruit size, increases the yield and improves quality of the end produce.
AGRIFRIEND WIN-A-CROP supports the Small & Marginal farmers as well as Corporate & Contract Farmers and Organic Cultivators with exceptional quality of produce, productivity, profitability and enhances their Global competitiveness.
AGRIFRIEND WIN-A-CROP plant nutrient supplement increases farm-productivity of Horticultural, Commercial and Floricultural Crops by 100% to 300% additional yields:
- All Vegetables and Leafy-vegetables of all regions.
- Fruit Crops like Mango, Cashew, lemons, Oranges and all varieties of Grapes, Pomegranate, Gua, Peaches, apples etc.
- High Value fruit crops like Almonds, Apricots, Walnuts, Strawberries, Cherries, Figs, Peaches. Litchis etc.
- Flowers of all varieties (including Floriculture in green houses).
- Cotton, Chillies, Onions, Tobacco, Tea, Coffee and Mesta (Jute).
- Coconut crops.
- Many varieties of organically cultured High value Medicinal & Aromatic Grass Crops. Spice crops like Pepper, cloves etc.
- Bamboo, Subabul, Casurina & other Paper Pulp wood Plantations.
- Rubber, Sandalwood & Timber Yielding Plantations.
- Cattle Fodder and Foliage crops, Gardens and Lawns.
- Seed Crops for Super Potential Seed Generation & for Doubled seed yields.
- Commercial & Farmer Nurseries. Reduces nursery rising period by 33% to 50% and supports to grow healthiest nursery plants with highest growing & yielding potentials.
- Bio-fuel crops. Supplementation of WIN-A-CROP in Nursery stages and after transplantation accelerates the growth rate, reducing crop gestation period up to 33-50%. Application at yielding stages increases Oil seed productivity by 100% transfiguring the Crop Economics.
AGRIFRIEND WIN-A-CROP increases farm-productivity of below mentioned food and field crops by 30% to 75% HIGHER yields.
- All Cereals and Millets like Rice, Basmati Rice, Wheat, Maize, Soya, Corn, Barley etc.
- Pulses and Oil Seed Crops.
- Plantain Crops, all kinds of Tuber Crops & Sugar Cane Crops.